This month theme for the "Gum or Mint"blog is the wonderful "Little Match Girl"of Hans Christian Andersen,an appropriate time for it,at Christmas people are supposed to be more generous towards those in needs(on paper of course...)
Anyway,here you will find some preliminar roughs idea for the girl,I have to be honest I do not remember what age she has in the novel,should go and check it out;
Nice flow to all of these, Pasquale. Top image is my favorite, but I would show her in a peasant dress, instead of trousers.
Thanks for the suggestion Vince,I do not know how she is depicted in the novel(haven't got the time to read right now);
Here's a link you can copy to read the short story:
This version is a quick read, Pasquale, only eleven paragraphs long. But I think it might be helpful to your approach.
I always like to have as much information as I can find when designing a character, probably a habit I've kept from my advertising storyboard days. I'd continue to focus on the character, omitting background elements.
I think you were very close to a good design in the third visual from the top.
Happy Holidays, Pasquale
Thanks Vince,obliged!
I also gather as much as information as possible when I have to draw a specific subject,in this case I've not been able to spend time on it because I've had several things to sort it out,I hope to have more time after Christmas;
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